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Late Night Berlin (Filming)
Actor Mark Plewe takes on the hooligan role in the TV Show "Late Night Berlin".
Directed by Johannes Spiecker.
Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solaranlagen (Filming)
For the new commercial "Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solar systems", actor Arthur Oppenländer takes on the role of solar craftsman.
Director: Felipe Ascacibar.
Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst (Broadcast)
On November 13, ZDF will show the new sequel to the TV series Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst.
The actor Michael Kosterin took on the role of the perpetrator in one episode. -
Filming for the TV Movie "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga"
The Franconian actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of Johann Friedrich Klett in the new documentary multi-part "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga" from BR - Bayerischer Rundfunk.