Horst Wüst

Horst Wüst

Horst Wüst was born in Hörstein, Lower Franconia. There he attended secondary school and did an apprenticeship as a toolmaker. At the technical college in Hanau he got his vocational diploma and studied industrial engineering at the technical college in Munich. He then passed the entrance exam at the New Munich Drama School and trained as an actor in three years. After drama school he worked at the city and state theaters in Bamberg, Ulm, Augsburg, Stuttgart and Bruchsaal. He founded the BT Theater in Munich and also staged there. During this time he also had a few small roles on German television. For several years he worked for the company Transatlantic Film and Cine International as a film salesman. During this time Horst Wüst has worked as production manager and dubbing director for films. Horst Wüst married and had a daughter. Then for a few years director of operations at a theater in Landshut. Several guest performances in New York, Bern and Sibiu Romania. He played guitar, mandolin and saxophone in the rock band Off Road. Founding of his own film production company, One World Production, and production of the first films, including advertising productions. Remarried and had three more children. Today Horst Wüst lives as a freelance actor and producer in Munich. Three of his film productions can now be seen on Amazone Prime. Many guest performances in Switzerland in recent years. His latest theatrical production premiered January 22 in Munich.


Das Glück des Armen
2022 - German. Feature Film. Trailer.
WHO - Smallpox
2022 - German. Short Film.
Über Horst
2020 - German.
2020 - English. Monologue.
2020 - German. Monologue.
About me
2019 - English.
Die Komödianten I
2018 - German. Independent Feature Film.
Die Komödianten II
2018 - German. Independent Feature Film.
Magic Hotel
2015 - German. Feature Film.
Pans letztes Lied
2013-2014 - German. Feature Film.
München 7
2013 - German. TV Series: ARD, BR.

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