Dana Mae Klaßen

Dana Mae Klaßen

Dana Mae, born Dana Klaßen in the charming “Ruhrpott” of North-Rhine-Westphalia within the heart and middle of cities such as Essen, Wuppertal and Duesseldorf, now lives in the sleepy rural village of Sprockhoevel, from which she ever so often travels out into the wilderness of cologne.
In 2021, Dana Mae completed her three year studies at a private university for the arts in Schwerte and graduated with a diploma in film acting.
During those years and ever since she has taken on plenty of roles for various short film projects and productions as a now full-time actress.
As a native to West Germany, Dana Mae speaks perfect high standard German, as well as being able to speak accent-free, standard American English on a mother tongue level with no detectable German accent. She also challenges herself to learn the arts of speaking central British English, while also sometimes tackling a Scottish accent for the fun of it. She also, on her own, studies Japanese and Korean for fun.
Her most memorable and outstanding talent is horseback riding, with which she grew up with, having been raised amongst various animals in general, as well as horses, of course. Her humble beginnings as a young teen started out on the classic English saddle but she soon found her true belonging on a western one, with a bucking, hot-headed horse beneath, with or without a saddle at all. And although time and money restrict the actress to pursue her passion today, she would never dream of losing said passion for horses. Competitive sport is not her expertise but she has dabbled in things such as barrel race or fog race before.



Ironie des Schicksals
2024 - German. Short Film.
Über Dana Mae
2024 - German.
About me
2024 - English.
2022 - German.
2022 - German.
Honest Liar
2022 - German.
2022 - German.

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