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Spreewaldkrimi - Tödliche Heimkehr (New Showreel scene)
New showreel scene from the ZDF TV movie "Spreewaldkrimi - Tödliche Heimkehr" with the actor Arthur Oppenländer in the role of the lawyer Wadowicz.
Director: Jan Fehse.
The first series role
The young German-Swedish actress Antonia Kolano is under contract with UFA Serial Drama for a leading role in a series starting in April.
WHO - Smallpox (Filming)
For the Spec commercial "WHO - Smallpox", actor Horst Wüst takes on the role of the priest.
Director: Mario Dahl.
Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solaranlagen (Filming)
For the new commercial "Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solar systems", actor Arthur Oppenländer takes on the role of solar craftsman.
Director: Felipe Ascacibar.