The Romanian actor Mihai Visan, who lives in Manchester, is delighted to be able to introduce himself in his mother tongue.
New monologues in English with the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.
New headshot with the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.
Photographed by Michele Shelford, London.
We are pleased to be able to represent the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.
Bookable from Greater Manchester.
Flashback to Agency news . . .
Filming for Der Bergdoktor
For the upcoming episode of "Der Bergdoktor", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the role of Nico Metzinger.
Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Vorsicht, Betrug! (New Showreel scene)
New showreel scene from Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Vorsicht, Betrug! with the actress Sandra Feil.
About a loverboy to prostitution.
Director: Rudolf Schweiger.
New About me
New About me with the actress Annermaire Eibl.
Antonia Kolano, Swedish-German actress from Stockholm
We are happy to represent the Swedish-German young actress Antonia Kolano from Stockholm.