Booked for a Feature Film

Booked for a Feature Film

After a successful casting from Los Angeles, actress Jennifer Salcudean has been booked for an American Feature Film.
Filming will take place in Europe.

New dramatic monologue "The Society"

New dramatic monologue "The Society"

We are pleased to present the new dramatic monologue “The Society”, performed by actress Jennifer Salcudean.

New dramatic monologue "You understand?"

New dramatic monologue "You understand?"

Today we are delighted to present the new dramatic monologue “You understand?” by the talented actress Jennifer Salcudean.

Photographed by Diana Tibre

Photographed by Diana Tibre

New photos of the Romanian actress Jennifer Salcudean.

Photographed by Diana Tibre, Romania.

Flashback to Agency news . . .

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