We are pleased to present the new dramatic monologue “The Society”, performed by actress Jennifer Salcudean.
Today we are delighted to present the new dramatic monologue “You understand?” by the talented actress Jennifer Salcudean.
The Romanian actress Jennifer Salcudean was photographed by Daniel Bocai.
New photos of the Romanian actress Jennifer Salcudean.
Photographed by Diana Tibre, Romania.
We are pleased to represent the Romanian-Austrian actress Jennifer Salcudean.
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Antonia Kolano, Swedish-German actress from Stockholm
We are happy to represent the Swedish-German young actress Antonia Kolano from Stockholm.
Filming for Helebore
For the film teaser "Helebore", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the role of "Trickichil".
1A Pharma (Filming)
Actress Emma Jane is in front of the camera for the new 1A Pharma campaign for Youtube Channel.
Director: Lars Filthaut.
BMW Motorbike X (Image Film)
For the new image film for "BMW Motorbike X", actor Stephan Gerster transforms himself into the role of a biker.