Das Glück des Armen
2022 - German. Feature Film. Trailer.
WHO - Smallpox
2022 - German. Short Film.
Über Horst
2020 - German.
2020 - German. Monologue.
Upper Bavarian
2019 - German with Upper Bavarian accent.
2019 - German with Hessian accent.
Die Komödianten I
2018 - German. Independent Feature Film.
Die Komödianten II
2018 - German. Independent Feature Film.
Die Komödianten III
2018 - German. Independent Feature Film.
Magic Hotel
2015 - German. Feature Film.
Pans letztes Lied
2013-2014 - German. Feature Film.
München 7
2013 - German. TV Series: ARD, BR.
Der falsche Mann
2008-2010 - German. Independent Feature Film.

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