Rococo photo shooting

Rococo photo shooting

New pictures from the rococo shooting with actress Sandra von Bonin.

Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

New photos

New photos

New photos with the actress Sandra von Bonin.

Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

New German monologue

New German monologue

A new monologue by actress Sandra von Bonin at the beginning of the year.

New pictures

New pictures

New pictures with the actress Sandra von Bonin.
Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

Flashback . . .

  • Jakob Englmaier

    The actor Jakob Englmaier plays a gendarme in the literary adaptation “Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen” directed by Matti Geschonneck.

    Casting Director: Daniela Tolkien (BVC).

  • Dennis Scholz

    The ARD will show the new "Tatort - Des Teufels langer Atem" on January 16, 2022, starting at 8:15 pm.
    The actor Dennis Scholz took on the role of the doctor Max.
    Directed by Thorsten Wettcke.

  • Mark Plewe

    Actor Mark Plewe takes on the hooligan role in the TV Show "Late Night Berlin".

    Directed by Johannes Spiecker.

  • Emma Jane

    On October 15, 2017 at 8:15 p.m., Das Erste will be showing the exciting new TV film "Tatort - Der rote Schatten".
    The actress Emma Jane takes on the role of the young Astrid Frühwein.

    Director: Dominik Graf.

  • Patrick Loose

    The Actor and songwriter Patrick Loose is in front of the camera for the new advertising campaign for Samsung.