The streaming service Paramount+ will broadcast the new series "The Sheik (Der Scheich)" from December 22, 2022.
Director: Johannes Naber.
Broadcast of the TV Series "The Sheik"
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Königliche Dynastien - Die Bernadottes (Filming)
For the new ZDF documentary "Royal Dynasties - The Bernadottes", actor Matthias Horn takes on the role of Oskar II.
Director: Oliver Halmburger.
Filming for the TV Serie Watzmann ermittelt
For the upcoming episode "Watzmann ermitterlt", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the role of " Young Man".
Casting Director: Stephen Sikder (BVC).
Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solaranlagen (Filming)
For the new commercial "Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solar systems", actor Arthur Oppenländer takes on the role of solar craftsman.
Director: Felipe Ascacibar.
New monologue scene from Boy by Ella Hickson
The Romanian actress Catalina Diaconescu plays the Role Sophie in her new monologue from Boy by Ella Hickson.