New pictures

New pictures

The actor Nicoals Stöcklein had his picture taken by photographer Nils Schwarz.

Chopin, Chopin!

Chopin, Chopin!

Under the direction of Michał Kwieciński, actor Nicolas Stöcklein is shooting the historical feature film Chopin, Chopin!
The shoot first takes Nicolas to Poland, where the first part of the film is filmed.

Tatort (Broadcast)

Tatort (Broadcast)

The ARD will show the new "Tatort - Game Over" on May 21, 2023.
The actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of the forensic scientist.

Director: Lancelot von Naso.

New pictures

New pictures

Actor Nicolas Stöcklein had his picture taken by photographer Dennis König.

1806 - The Nuremberg Saga (Broadcast)

1806 - The Nuremberg Saga (Broadcast)

The BR - Bayerischer Rundfunk broadcasts the documentary multi-part "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga" from 29 Decemebr 2021.

The Franconian actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of Johann Friedrich Klett.

Director: Oliver Halmburger.

1806 - The Nuremberg Saga (Filming)

1806 - The Nuremberg Saga (Filming)

The Franconian actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of Johann Friedrich Klett in the new documentary multi-part "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga" from BR - Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Triff ... Goethe (Broadcast)

Triff ... Goethe (Broadcast)

On February 3, 2021, the channel KiKA will broadcast the new episode of Triff ... Goethe.
The actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the historical role of German publisher Friedrich Justin Bertuch.

Flashback . . .

  • Corinna Ketter

    For the new advertising film for "ProSiebenSat.1 Teletext & Hybrid TV - Pixelmännchen", actress Corinna Ketter takes on the role of the pixel girl.

    Director: Renato Novakovic.

  • Patrick Loose

    Multimedia show at the Salmen Offenburg

    The actor Patrick Loose takes on the leading role of Gustav von Struve for the historical exhibition film "If these walls could speak" for the multimedia show in Salmen Offenburg.

    Director: Nicolas Ehret.

  • Horst Wüst

    For the Spec commercial "WHO - Smallpox", actor Horst Wüst takes on the role of the priest.

    Director: Mario Dahl.

  • Vivien Heimann

    We are pleased to represent the young actress Vivien Heimann.

  • Dennis Scholz

    The ARD will show the new "Tatort - Des Teufels langer Atem" on January 16, 2022, starting at 8:15 pm.
    The actor Dennis Scholz took on the role of the doctor Max.
    Directed by Thorsten Wettcke.