We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress Jo Malone.
Bookable from Greater Manchester.
We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress Jo Malone.
Bookable from Greater Manchester.
The ZDF will show the last episode of the successful TV series "Heldt" on 27 January 2021.
The actor Edvard Lammervo can be seen in the role of Kalle Lisander, directed by Heinz Dietz.
We are very pleased to present the new showreel scenes of the British actor Blake J. Askew.
For the Spec commercial "WHO - Smallpox", actor Horst Wüst takes on the role of the priest.
Director: Mario Dahl.
The actress Christa Schreiber is in front of the camera for the short feature film "Kleine Inseln", directed by Maurice Teepe.
A production of the HFF University of Television and Film Munich.