Matthias Horn

Matthias Horn
Bavaria, Germany
Actor | Management | EU

Patrick Loose

Patrick Loose
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Actor, Sing-songwriter | Management | EU


Flashback . . .

  • Karina Frik

    We are pleased to take over the management for the actress and singer Karina Frik.

  • Christa Schreiber

    The actress Christa Schreiber is in front of the camera for the short feature film "Der alte Mann und die Straße", directed by Jonas Kleinalstede.

    A production of the HFF University of Television and Film Munich.

  • Patrick Loose

    The streaming service Paramount+ will broadcast the new series "The Sheik (Der Scheich)" from December 22, 2022.
    Director: Johannes Naber.

  • Arthur Oppenländer

    For the new commercial "Aroundhome - Oh Yeah. Solar systems", actor Arthur Oppenländer takes on the role of solar craftsman.

    Director: Felipe Ascacibar.

  • Christa Schreiber

    The actress Christa Schreiber had his picture taken as a biker for the new advertising campaign for the Becker gastronomy company in Ulm.