Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen (TV Movie)
References (Select)
Lena Lorenz (TV Movie)


Review . . .

  • Dennis Scholz

    The actor Dennis Scholz is shooting for the new "Tatort - Des Teufels langer Atem" in Münster.

    Director: Thorsten Wettcke.

    Production: Molina Film.

  • Jakob Englmaier

    For the upcoming episode "Watzmann ermitterlt", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the role of " Young Man".

  • Phio Huynh

    For the new series "The Net", actress Phio Huynh takes on the episode role of Elly Castro.

    Directed by Rick Ostermann.

  • Corinna Ketter

    For the new advertising film for "ProSiebenSat.1 Teletext & Hybrid TV - Pixelmännchen", actress Corinna Ketter takes on the role of the pixel girl.

    Director: Renato Novakovic.