References (Select)
Dr. Klein (Filming)
Dr. Klein (Broadcast)


Review . . .

  • Christa Schreiber

    For the new ZDF TV Movie "Frühling - Lieb mich, wenn du kannst", actress Christa Schreiber takes on the role of the school secretary.

    Director: Michael Karen.

  • Stefan Evertz

    The actor Stefan Evertz will be in front of the camera in June for the TV Movie "Frühling", directed by Thomas Kronthaler.

  • Christa Schreiber

    The actress Christa Schreiber had his picture taken as a biker for the new advertising campaign for the Becker gastronomy company in Ulm.

  • Edvard Lammervo

    The ZDF will show the last episode of the successful TV series "Heldt" on 27 January 2021.

    The actor Edvard Lammervo can be seen in the role of Kalle Lisander, directed by Heinz Dietz.