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Review . . .

  • Matthias Horn

    For the ZDF TV series "SOKO München", actor Matthias Horn takes on the role of a fraternity member.

  • Lea Farinah

    For the new short film "Mein Heim Allein", actress Lea Farinah takes on the role of Lena.

    Director: Alex Hosfeld.

  • Christa Schreiber

    On 21 September at 20:15, ZDF will be showing the new TV episode of Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Gelöst!.

    The actress Christa Schreiber can be seen in the role Johanna.

    Director: Rainer Hackstock.

  • Stephan Gerster

    For the new image film for "BMW Motorbike X", actor Stephan Gerster transforms himself into the role of a biker.