References (Select)
Morden in Norden (Filming)
Morden in Norden (Broadcast)


Review . . .

  • Christa Schreiber

    For a new ZDF TV episode of "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst", actress Christa Schreiber takes on the role of Witness Elizabeth.

    Director: Rudolf Schweiger.

  • Patrick Loose

    SAT.1 broadcasts the comedy feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie" on 18.12.2018.

    Director: Florian Knittel

    The actor Patrick Loose can be seen in the role of Stefan.

  • Horst Wüst

    For the film "Das Glück der Armen", actor Horst Wüst plays the leading role of Bernd Falke.

    Director: Paul Füchsl.

  • Claire Tudela

    The french actress Claire Tudela is shooting for Shooting: "The Visual Feminist Manifesto", directed by Dana Omari.
    Casting and Intimacy Coordinator: Paula Alamillo Rodriguez.