Filming for Bild - EU Football Championship

Filming for Bild - EU Football Championship

The actor Blake J Askew took on the British role in the new commercial for "Bild - EU Football Championship", directed by Felix Julian Koch.

New About me

New About me

At the beginning of the year a new About me with the British-South African actor Blake J. Askew.

New showreel scene from "Miss: Communication"

New showreel scene from "Miss: Communication"

New showreel scene from "Miss: Communication" with and written by Blake J. Askew, British-South Africa actor.

New Showreel scene from The Voice of Heart

New Showreel scene from The Voice of Heart

New showreel scene from the short feature film "The Voice of Heart".

Actor Blake J. Askew can be seen in the role of the father.

New pictures

New pictures

New pictures with British-South African actor Blake J. Askew.

Blake J. Askew, British-South African actor

Blake J. Askew, British-South African actor

We are pleased to represent the British-South African actor and singer Blake J. Askew.

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