New headshots

New headshots

The actress Annemarie Eibl was photographed by London headshots photographer and director Danann Breathnach.

Flashback . . .

  • Jakob Englmaier

    The actor Jakob Englmaier plays a gendarme in the literary adaptation “Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen” directed by Matti Geschonneck.

    Casting Director: Daniela Tolkien (BVC).

  • Lana Videnova

    We are pleased to represent the actress Lana Videnova.

  • Phio Huynh

    Actress Phio Huynh is photographed for the new "Les Lunes" collection.

  • Christa Schreiber

    For the WDR TV show "Nicht dein Ernst!", actress Christa Schreiber takes on the role of mother-in-law.

  • Patrick Loose

    Multimedia show at the Salmen Offenburg

    The actor Patrick Loose takes on the leading role of Gustav von Struve for the historical exhibition film "If these walls could speak" for the multimedia show in Salmen Offenburg.

    Director: Nicolas Ehret.