New pictures

New pictures

The actress Ada Kowalewski had her picture taken by photographer Marjola Rukaj in Berlin.

Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst! (Broadcast)

Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst! (Broadcast)

The ZDF will be showing the new episode of Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst! on February 9 at 8:15 pm.

Actress Ada Kowalewski can be seen in the lead role of murderer Daria Mayer.

Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst! (Filming)

Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst! (Filming)

Actress Ada Kowalewski plays the lead role of murderer Daria Mayer in the new episode of Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst!

Director: Rudolf Schweiger.

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